
The Best Amino Acid Mnemonic: Memorize the Amino Acids
Memorizing the amino acids isn't an easy task. But - if you have or pursue a healthcare career - it is an absolutely necessary task. Most people take the route of torture: using Anki or rewriting the structures ad nauseum. These noble methods work short-term - but...

B/B Introduction: Life’s Good Stuff
This is what you've been waiting for: Life's good stuff. After the CARS Courtroom, we enter familiar territory: Biology. Life's good stuff...meaning? Information you will actually need to know as a medical physician. Precisely what you signed up for. The Biological...

Let’s Simplify the MCAT: by EATing it
How do you simplify the MCAT? How do you condense a 7.5 hour test - or 5.75 hours until late 2020 - that covers Reading Comprehension, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology, Neurobiology, Psychology, and Sociology? You take an...

The Three R’s of Remembering Anything
There's no point learning anything if you forget it. This is especially true with the MCAT. Once you correctly categorize the information, how do you retain it? Here's food for thought: If you can't recall what MCAT material you covered, said study time was wasted....